What is Holistic Hair Care?


A holistic approach means to provide support that looks at the whole person, not just the one or two aspects of themselves that they’re looking to change/improve. At The Good Hair Co we advocate for holistic approaches when it comes to address any hair or scalp concerns. So if the term holistic hair care is new to you, rest assured that we are here to help you get familiar with the approach to bring you closer to understanding your hair and establishing the perfect routine for your hair profile.


When in reference to hair and beauty; Holistic beauty and hair care considers the wholeness of the body, mind and spirit to achieve its desired outcome as well as conscious consumption and living in harmony with nature, by using herbs and buying eco-friendly products.

Simply put: Holistic hair care = a nutrient-rich diet + helpful herbs + supplements + supportive lifestyle practices + natural treatments + appropriate hair products.

With the rise of more consumers shunning traditional hair care brands with ‘toxic’ ingredients such as sulphates, parabens and silicones and becoming more in tune with a greener lifestyle with safer alternatives, holistic hair care has been proving a popular solution for those looking to solve their hair issues and grow luscious stronger curls.


A balanced diet is absolutely essential to healthy hair as what we eat literally makes up the building blocks of who we are and has the greatest impact on the health of every part of our body, from our internal organs to our skin, nails, and hair. 

Foods that are rich in protein, iron and zinc are extremely beneficial to hair growth.

PROTEIN is the building blocks of our hair and what keeps it strong.
Try adding these protein rich foods into your diet: bone broth, lean organic meats, pastured eggs, kidney beans and green lentils, spirulina, and chlorella.

ZINC supports the skin on our scalp, which supports hair follicle health and also prevents excess shedding of the hair.
Try adding these zinc rich foods into your diet: chickpeas, lentils, dark chocolate, nuts, wheat, quinoa, rice and oats

IRON boosts circulation and carries oxygen to your hair's roots and this helps the hair grow faster and longer.
Try adding these iron rich foods into your diet: Spinach, Red Meat, Legumes, Pumpkins, Broccoli and Fish.

While it’s quite difficult to get all the necessary vitamins and minerals from our diet alone, introducing supplements is the way to go to obtain ideal nutrient levels.

Please note; these recommendations are just a suggestion, we recommend you consult with your nutritionist/doctor on the best vitamins if you are pregnant, breastfeeding or currently taking medication.

There are a number of nutrients and supplements such as Zinc, copper, manganese, iron, folic acid, vitamin B12, and biotin that help in producing keratin, the protein that makes up hair. Before you decide to stock up on your vitamins, try increasing them within your diet, with the suggestions above. 

Adaptogen herbs are non-toxic plants that are marketed as helping the body resist stress. These herbs and roots have been used for centuries in Asian and Ayurvedic healing traditions.

Herbs such as Ashwagandha, Tulasi, Shatavari, Amalaki, Triphala and Amla are them most common and popular herbs within the holistic community that aid in regulating the body's adrenaline levels and increase energy levels, boost blood and sugar levels and repair damaged hair amongst other claims.


Now that you have an idea of what looking after your body and your hair holistically, book your consultation with one of our certified hair experts. Get a personalised regimen consisting of highly effective product recommendations to solve your hair and scalp concerns. Let us help you discover the expert hair care advice you need to get the healthy hair you want.


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