Why is a Professional Hairdresser so Important?

Many of us can name one or two instances where we’ve had a not so positive experience with a hairdresser. This is often due to the lack of professional training and handling of kinky, curly and coily hair. Our hair is complex and as a result, our relationship with it can often be even more complex.  

When you have so many different characteristics to your hair profile it can be tempting to do it yourself because a) you don’t know anyone who is an expert with your hair, b) you don’t trust anyone enough with your hair or c) you want to see what you yourself can do with your hair. Whatever your reasons are for doing your hair yourself, it’s important to seek a professional hairdresser who can advise you before you make an informed decision on who to manage your hair and how.


A hairdresser, also known as a hairstylist, is a professional who cuts or styles hair in order to alter or maintain a person's appearance. The majority of hairdressers hold a professional licence as a hairdresser, barber, or cosmetologist. In the United Kingdom, there are currently 40,000 hairdressing, barbering, and beauty companies, however, registering with the Register of Qualified Hairdressers is completely voluntary. Barbers are typically licenced hairdressers who are skilled with clippers and razors, while hairdressers are skilled with scissors and styling.

There are three main reasons why having a professional hairdresser is important.

  1. If you enjoy changing up your hairstyles but find it difficult to do so on your own,

  2. If you don't have the time or energy to care for your hair the way you'd like,

  3. If you're having trouble sticking to your hair care routine to get the results you want,

Hairdressing is a challenging trained skill, with a level of artistry and creativity involved. Not only do hairdressers influence your hair care journey by introducing you to styles and treatments that work for your hair profile, but they also help shape part of your personality. A professional hairdresser will ensure that you are left with a new level of self-pride and confidence in your hair and ultimately in yourself. 


From high-end hairdressers who pull and prod at your hair for five minutes and say, "We don't do your kind of hair here," to high-street hairdressers who scream "Excuse me, darling, want to do your hair?" from across the street. There are some great hairdressers who know what your hair needs, when it needs it, and how it needs to be done in between these two extremes of the hairdressing experience. Here are 10 ways to spot them.

1. They have reputable credentials.

A true professional hairdresser, like any other true professional in any other field, has honed their talents through formal education and hands-on experience. They regard their work as a craft, and they take pride in staying current with new products, methods, and trends in order to stay on top of the industry to provide you with consistent hair care services and sound advice.

2. They are capable of working with a variety of hair and scalp types.

For a variety of reasons, your hair may be one way today and another tomorrow. A professional hairdresser should be able to work with a variety of hair and scalp types, from thin or thick hair and natural or chemically processed hair to a delicate scalp or scarred tissue, making sure you look and feel your best throughout the process. If they can not, they should be able to advise you on who can and make you feel comfortable and clear about your next steps. 

3. They specialise in your hair and scalp type.

Hair is a fibre, comparable to silk or cotton. If you try to treat these materials the same way, you'll likely damage the fabric and end up with a disaster. Hairdressing is no exception. Unfortunately, most hairdressing curriculums aren’t adequately training hairdressers on highly textured hair or using updated language when referring to textured hair. This puts the onus on the hairdresser to learn how to properly detangle, section, and take care of your hair.

4. They listen to you before giving you advice.

There’s a certain level of trust that comes with going to a hairdresser. Although most hairdressers know a lot about hair, they don’t know a lot about you. Maybe you want a particular hairstyle or are unhappy with the style you have or maybe there’s a specific brand you’d like to use etc. A good hairdresser listens to your needs first in order to provide the services you want or advice you on the services you need so you can make an informed decision.

5. They offer a free 15-minute consultation.

The hairdresser needs to know your hair in order to provide you with the best possible service. A 15-minute consultation should be given to learning about your hair's condition, what has been done to it previously, and what your hair profile is. This enables both you and the hairdresser to understand what can and cannot be done with your hair and to set expectations in order to prevent disappointment or wasting money and time.

6. They use high-end salon products.

Although many low-cost hair care products do contain high-grade ingredients found in salon-quality products, these ingredients are only present in small quantities. Chemicals found in low-cost hair care products will strip your hair of its natural oils, effectively drying it out. They're also often diluted with fillers, which make your hair feel super soft but don't actually hydrate it from the inside. A good hairdresser would avoid these types of products.

7. They aren't stingy with their products.

Because they are highly concentrated with high-grade ingredients, salon-quality products are more expensive. They often contain ingredients that are extremely nourishing but are far too expensive to be found in most low-cost hair care products. A good hairstylist will use the required amount of product for your hair to make sure you get the results you paid for. Since salon-quality products are more concentrated, they typically require less product to achieve the intended results.

8. They’re not cheap.

Sitting down to get your hair done the way you want should be a positive experience. A positive experience from a trained, qualified and experienced hairdresser doesn’t come cheap. You could get low prices from a newbie hairdresser trying to grow their client list or a seasoned hairdresser who is forced to lower their price to compete. However, in these situations, they may have to compromise on the quality, time and products they use to offer you a low price.

9. They won’t ask you to wash your own hair.

A clean hair is the foundation of good hairstyling and a professional hairdresser won't want to start working their magic on a foundation that might not meet their standards. If they do, they may risk the outcome of your hair because they had no control over the time you washed it, the products you used to wash it and the products you might have used to style it on your way to your appointment.

10. They tell you how to maintain your hair or hairstyle

Nobody schedules a hair appointment and has their hair styled or treated just for the journey back home. You, like the majority of people, want your hairstyle or treatment to last at least until your next appointment. The aftercare you receive ensures that your hair is taken care of both in and out of the salon, from telling you when to wash your hair next to what product to use until your next appointment and how to keep your hair when you sleep.

And last but not least, a good hairdresser keeps their working area and tools clean. Need we say more?

Finding the right hairdresser is not easy and it can be very subjective. A good hairdresser may not meet every single one of these signs and you might not find each one of these signs relevant to your hairdressing experience. However, the number one priority of any hair care professional is to take good care of your hair and to make you feel confident they can do exactly that.


Now that you have an idea of what a hairstylist is and how to spot a good one, book your consultation with one of our certified hair experts. Get a personalised regimen consisting of highly effective product recommendations to solve your hair and scalp concerns. Let us help you discover the expert hair care advice you need to get the healthy hair you want.


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