What is Hair Porosity?

Did you know that knowing your porosity is more important than knowing your curl pattern? If you are new to your hair journey or you’ve been on the journey for a while and still struggle to understand what all this talk about hair porosity means, we’re here to help. At The Good Hair Co, we understand how overwhelming it can be to find what works for you. That’s why we aim to help you uncover the mysteries of the hair world to bring you closer to understanding your hair and your hair’s profile.

Let’s talk about hair porosity.

Essentially, hair porosity describes how well your hair absorbs and retains moisture and chemicals into the cortex based on the structure of the hair shaft. Here’s a little bit of science for you! Your hair shaft (or hair strand), the part of your hair that you can see, is made up of 3 layers - a cuticle layer, a cortex and a medulla. 

The cuticle is the outermost layer of the hair shaft made up of 5 to 12 overlapping layers of very hard thin and colourless keratinised cells. When magnified with a microscope, these layers resemble flattened scales or rooftop shingles that protect the cortex, the middle layer of the hair shaft. 

The cortex is made up of compressed, keratinised cells that have been fused together. This middle layer of the hair shaft is responsible for the colour, strength and texture of your hair which is why it needs to be protected by the cuticle layer. 

Finally, you have the innermost part of the hair shaft known as the medulla. The medulla is hardened not by keratinisation but by a structural protein found in the root of the hair follicle. It is not clear the exact purpose of the medulla and not all hair textures have a medulla, however, if present, it is said to contribute to the shine and colour of your hair.  


The cuticle layer allows moisture to come in and out of the cortex and medulla, and protects them from harmful environmental agents.  When the cuticle layer is extremely opened or damaged, the inner layers are unable to maintain their moisture balance and suffer from dehydration leading to further damage and breakage.

Just like the rest of your body, your hair is in constant need of moisture to maintain its strength, hydration, bounce, softness, shine and overall health. To achieve this, water, oils, and other moisturising agents need to pass through the cuticle to get to the inner layers to keep your hair hydrated. 

Knowing your hair's porosity will help you understand why certain products or routines work or don’t work for your hair and ensure you are using the right ones for your hair. Different levels of porosity have different needs and it’s important to know how porous your hair is in order to meet those needs. For example, knowing your porosity will help you determine the type of protection it needs, the method of moisturising it needs, the time it needs to absorb colour or chemical relaxers etc. While genetics can affect the different levels of porosity on your hair; chemicals, heat and environmental conditions can also alter the porosity of your hair. 

The more open your cuticle layer is, the more porous your hair is (high porosity). The more closed your cuticle layer is, the less porous your hair is (low porosity). Somewhere in the middle, known as medium porosity.

Although porosity and absorption are linked, they are certainly not the same. Your hair absorbing moisture quickly only for it to feel dry within the hour is not necessarily a determiner of high porosity. It could be an indication that your hair isn’t being hydrated often enough due to the products, methods and routines you are using to take care of your hair and your body. Regardless of where you are on the porosity scale, you can manage it and enjoy healthy, happy and hydrated hair.


Now that you have an idea of the importance of knowing your hair’s porosity, why not check out our post on why knowing your hair profile is so important. Better yet, book your consultation with one of our certified hair experts. Get a personalised regimen consisting of highly effective product recommendations to solve your hair and scalp concerns. Let us help you discover the expert hair care advice you need to get the healthy hair you want.


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