Terms of Use

Last updated: 24th May 2021

Please read these Terms of Use carefully. 


  • These Terms of Use are a legal agreement between you and The Good Hair Co. that governs your use or access to www.thegoodhair.co (our site), its subdomains, any mobile version of the website and any of their content (the "Website"). 

  • To use our website, you must be at least 18 years old. We do not permit those under the age of 18 to use our Website or Service. By accessing or using the Website, you agree  that you are at least 18 years old and are to be legally bound by these Terms of Use. 

  • If you access or use the Website on behalf of a legal entity that is your employer, for example, by doing so, you represent that you have authority to enter into these Terms of Use on behalf of your employer, so that your employer is legally bound by them. 

  • If you do not agree with these Terms of Use we do not give permission to use The Good Hair Co's service, whether accessed via the Website, its web application, or consulting service (collectively, the "Service"); accordingly and you should not use our Website or Services. 

  • In these Terms of Use:

    • www.thegoodhair.co is a site operated by The Good Hair Co. (“The Good Hair Group Ltd”, “our”, “us” or "we"). We are registered in England and Wales under company number 12234490.

    • "you" and "your" means a user of the Website (or if you access or use the website on behalf of a legal entity that is your employer, "you" and "your" means that legal entity.

  • Please read our Privacy Policy. This explains the personal data that we collect and how we use personal data.

  • To contact us, please email hello@thegoodhair.co.

We recommend that you save and/or print a copy of these Terms of Use and our Privacy Policy for your future reference. 

Permission to use the Website

  • Provided that you comply with these Terms of Use, we grant you a non-exclusive, non-transferable, revocable licence to access and view the Website and Service. 

  • Our status (and that of any identified contributors) as the authors of content on our site must always be acknowledged.

  • You may download and print a single copy of text content on the Website for your personal use or for internal use within your organisation.

  • If you print off, copy or download any part of our site in breach of these terms of use, your right to use our site will cease immediately and you must, at our option, return or destroy any copies of the materials you have made.

Use Restrictions to the Website

  • You must not:

    • modify the Website or any part of it or create any derivative work based on the Website or any part of it;

    • distribute, publish, communicate to the public or otherwise share any text, images, graphics, videos or other content from the Website without our prior written consent;

    • frame, deep-link or scrape the Website or any part of it without our prior written consent;

    • interfere with or disrupt the operation of the Website or do anything that interferes with or disrupts any other person's access to or use of the Website;

    • remove or obscure any copyright notice, trademark notice, or other proprietary rights notice from the Website or from any downloads or copies that you make under Section 2.3 of these Terms of Use.

Ownership of the Website

  • You acknowledge that all intellectual property rights in the Website belong to The Good Hair Co. and The Good Hair Co's licensors. Those works are protected by copyright laws and treaties around the world. All such rights are reserved.

Amendments to Terms of Use

  • We reserve the right to amend these Terms of Use from time to time. If we do, we will publish the changes on the Website. It is your responsibility to check the Website periodically for changes to these Terms of Use. The date at the top of this webpage indicates when these Terms of Use were last amended.  By using or continuing to use the Website after the Terms of Use have been amended, you are agreeing to be legally bound by the amended Terms of Use


  • If the Website includes links to other websites, you acknowledge that we are not responsible for and will not be liable to you for those websites or the content on them.  

  • It is your responsibility to check the terms of use and privacy policies of those websites. Links to other sites and resources provided by third parties are provided for your information only.

 Account & Security

  • You represent and warrant that the personal details you provide when registering as a customer is authentic, reliable, and up to date in all respects. It is your responsibility to keep the personal details you provide us up to date. Please notify us immediately if your personal details change by emailing hello@thegoodhair.co.

  • You are responsible for keeping your username and password confidential, as well as taking all appropriate precautions to avoid unauthorised access to your account. You acknowledge and recognise that you are responsible for all activities that occur under your account or password. 

  • If you have reason to suspect that your password has become available to someone else or is likely to be used in an unintended manner, please contact us right away. If you forget your password, please contact us and we will reset it for you and send it to the email address you provided when you registered.

  • If you breach these Terms of Use or if we determine, in our absolute discretion, that it is in www.thegoodhair.co's best interests to do so, we reserve the right to deny service and/or terminate accounts without prior warning.

Legal disclaimer

  • Nothing in these Terms of Use excludes or limits our liability for death or personal injury caused by our negligence, for fraudulent misrepresentation or for any other liability that cannot be excluded or limited by law.

  • The Website is made available to you "as is". We do not warrant that the Website is free from errors, viruses or other harmful components.  We do not give any warranty as to the availability of the Website or that access to the Website will be uninterrupted. We exclude to the fullest extent permissible by law all express or implied warranties, representations, conditions or terms in respect of the Website.

  • The Website provides general information only.  Nothing on the Website is intended to constitute any health care advice or medical recommendation. You acknowledge that you will not rely on the Website and that it is your responsibility to seek independent advice or guidance before acting on or making any decision in relation to any information or matter mentioned on the Website.  We will not be liable to you (whether in contract, tort – including negligence – or under any other legal theory), for any loss that you suffer or incur as a result of your doing or not doing anything as a result of any information or matter mentioned on the Website.

  • Your online consultation is not a medical examination. There is no assurance that the advice you receive will be completely right. All recommendations are focused on the data that has been presented to us by you. 

  • We do not guarantee that the quality of any goods, facilities, details, or other material obtained by you will meet your standards, nor do we guarantee that any errors in the Service will be corrected.

  • We will not be liable to you under these Terms of Use or otherwise in connection with the Website or Service for any special, indirect or consequential losses or damages, or any loss of data, loss of profits, account of profits, loss of revenues, loss of business, or goodwill, whether in contract, tort (including negligence) or under any other legal theory.

Governing Law

  • These Terms of Use and any dispute or claim arising out of or in connection with these Terms of Use or their subject matter (including non-contractual disputes or claims) are subject to English law and to the [non-]exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts.